True tales of technology woes from parents who’ve learned the hard way. Read on and take a lesson from these kid-caused disasters.
I’m sitting at my desk, typing the final lines of a lengthy feature article.
I’ve just finished a bowl of cereal – a snack I’m partial to when working away on my laptop.
Pushing the bowl aside, I click save and write a list of the work I need to submit that night and the following day.
All of a sudden, my son flies out of nowhere, practically dives across the table, knocks my bowl over, spilling the dregs of milk onto the keyboard.
Grumbling, I wipe up the milk, roll my eyes and decide to do a few last minute things, before shutting down.
Within seconds, the mouse takes control of itself, the screen flickers, then freezes. And it’s off.
I try to turn it back on. Nothing. The laptop is dead.
On its hard drive are hundreds of family photos, filing and household paperwork, and about half a dozen completed (but not submitted) articles and interviews. It’s not backed up.